Monday, February 10, 2003


Stína´s birthday party friday night was a success, we all had lotsa fun and she definately liked the present. I made her a denim handbag with a purple fake snakeskin border, and a small coin purse to match (from leftover fake snakeskin). I wish I could post a picture, I´m very happy with the way they turned out.

Saturday we slept ´till noon (this is usually not possible, so we enjoyed it to the fullest...), and then went to pick up our son and the puppy from my sister in-law were they had stayed the night. Then a shopping trip to get som coke & chips & candy & video films... Unfortunately I rented "Ash Wednesday" (starring Elija Wood), which looked interesting on the cover but turned out to be pretty boring. Not as bad though as "Scorpion King" that my husband got for us a few days ago, a heavy metal version of Xena, warrior princess. There were a lot of naked ladies, I guess for the guys to look at, but the main actor looked like the men on the cover of soft porno books for bored housewives, long hair, shaved chest and underarms, constantly oiled... and he never took off his loin cloth... Boring!

Sunday there was football practice for Baldur, and afterwards a birthday party, the daughter of a friend of mine turned 7. We had lots of lovely food and cakes. For dinner I made a lovely fish soup. I have never made one before, and I have to say it turned out pretty well, I will definately try it again another time.

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