Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Hey! I graduated the other day! I am now a fully certified veterinarian! Weeee... I shall have to change the name of my blog, but since I haven´t written anything in here for the longest time, noone will know the difference anyway.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

In life and death
Was feeling philosophical on friday. We had an interesting case, a cat cecarian (that could incidentally have been avoyded had the owners not fed the pill to their pregnant cat, after 2 weeks of forgetting it!). There were 2 kittens, one dead, one lived. Shortly after reviving the baby kitten and putting it under the heat-lamp with it´s still unconcious mother, a client came in for euthanasia of her really old and sick cat. She had been dreading this day since this summer when her cat was diagnosed with kidney disease. It was very beautiful though, she brought her family for support, and a home-made coffin with the cat´s favorite blanket and a card to put in with her. I almost cried myself.